Welcome to our practice of Spiritual Mysticism. piritual Mysticism is an amazing way of life – a way of life that will aloow many of your dreams and desires to become realities. This way of living can result in more love, income, success, fulfillment, creativity and awareness. Thought these studies you will discover how to use the exact same power that christ and other beings utilized through the ages.
Mysticism is a much abused word in today’s world; yet it represents the highest quest of human growth and awareness.
Mysticism has become a catch all term, encompassing everything from crystal-gazing to tea leaf reading. In reality, however, it is none of these phenomena.
Qualities of Mysticism
- Discovering one’s ultimate Self Reality
- Discovering if there is a Supreme Universal Intelligence, r God, that resides in the deeper levels of the human mind
- Making direct contact with this Supreme Universal Mind / God
- Experiencing this presence i.e. knowing that Universal Mind /God exists and can be contacted
- Brining forth into the connscious mind and surface daily life, the creativity, attributes and power of the Universal Mind / God for the purpose of improving life through the application of Spiritual Mysticism
- being guided from within in all one does in daily life through intuitive ESP
- Synthesizing the functional mind with he creative intelligence of the Universal and therfore, being able to create the life one desires.
GoddessLife Ministries is able to educate the world and give deeper understanding to the meaning above via our Sunday Temple, which we often refer to as Priestess Proverbs. Priestess Proverbs as conducted live via YouTube and can be accessed via the link below.
We also offer monthly Spiritual Mysticism masterclasses, which are avilable with all student studies starting at $22 a month.
Master Classes Start September 2022